Privacy Policy

WHY this info

In accordance with the Italian law (Decreto Legislativo) # 196/2003 and within the European Regulation (UE) 2016/679 this page descloses the procedure for treating personal data from Users (“User” or “Users” hereinafter) of the web site belonging to Latentia Winery Spa (the “Owner” hereinafter) accessible online at the following address: (hereinafter “the site”):
We inform the User that following web site access some retained information can contain personal data related to identified or identifiable people.
The information in question does not refer to other web sites, web pages or online services reachable via hypertext links present in the site.

Identity of owner

The owner of this domain is Latentia Winery Spa, with legal headquarter at Laterza (TA), Strada Statale 7 Appia Km 605 Località San Filippo – c.a.p. 74014, Email:, PEC:, Tel.: +39 0806450707

Source of data and types of gathered data:

  1. Data communicated by user
    Latentia Winery Spa can gather data volunteered by individual Users while on the site performing one of the following:
    • sending a message using the predisposed form or the contacts available on the site. Sending optional, explicit or voluntary messages to the contact addresses, as well as the compiling and sending any of the forms available on “the site” entail the acquisition of the sender’s contact data as well as all personal data included in the communications.
      The data supplied will be utilized thru informatic/telematic tools with the only purpose of providing the required service and, for this reason, will be saved exclusively for the period that service remains active.
    • enrolling to the newsletter service of the owner of the site. The compilation of the forms necessary to the enrolment to the newsletter service entails the acquisition of the contact data of the user necessary to supply the service. The data provided will be treated in accordance with the authorized guidelines and handled manually. The duration of the treatment of the data provided by the user will be limited to the extent it is necessary to implement that service.
  2.  Navigation data
    Latentia Winery Spa also gathers data related to the User’s fruition of the Web site; this information is acquired from the computer systems and the software settings designated to the operation of the online portal during normal practice; in addition, the transmission of the data itself is connected and adapted to the use of the protocols of Internet communication.
    Included in this data category are the IP addresses and the names under the computer’s domain and the terminals used by the terminals used by the users, the addressed under URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numerical code related to the status of the response given by the server and other parameters related to the operating system and to the computer environment of the user.
    Such data, necessary for accessing the web services, is also treated for the following purposes:
    – Obtain statistical data on the usage of the services provided (most visited pages, number of visitors by time segment, geographical access of users and more)
    – Control the correct functioning of the services offered
    The navigation data retention does not exceed a seven-day period and is deleted immediately after its aggregation (unless requested by Judicial authorities for investigation of crimes)
    Obtain statistical data on the usage of the services provided (most visited pages, number of visitors by time segment, geographical access of users and more)
  3. “Cookies” and other tracking systems.
    In order to render its services most efficient and easiest to use this site uses cookies. Therefore, whenever the website is visited a minimum amount of information is inserted into the user’s system, such as small text files known as “cookies”, which are saved into the directory of the Web browser of the User.  There are several types of cookies but substantially the main purpose of a cookie is the optimize the site and the navigation on behalf of the user by enabling certain functionalities.  Fore more detailed information on the cookies utilized by this site, please visit the cookie policy at the following link.

Objectives of data treatment

Depending on the type of treatment to be implemented, the personal data of the User can be treated as follows:

  1. To provide a response to communication, requests of information and/or services initiated by the User by filling designated forms or by using the address(es) in the “contact” session.
  1. With the purpose of profiling (i.e., automated analysis and/or forecast of the User’s personal preferences and interests.
  2. With the purpose of sending educational or promotional newsletters (i.e. invitations to events, direct communication related to offering new services or promotional offers). Such treatment may happen in an automated way, by means of email and may be performed unless the User did not revoke his/her consent to the use of his/her personal data.
  3. Finally, the data can be used to manage risks, prevent possible frauds, prevent and manage potential disputes and take legal action if needed.

Juridical basis for the treatment of data.

With reference to the objectives indicated in the previous paragraph the juridical base of the personal data treatment is in direct relation to one of the following:   

  1. Performance of a contract where the User is part or implementation of pre-contractual measures adopted on request of the part itself.
  2. The expressed consent from the interested party for the specific purpose.
  3. The necessity to pursue the legitimate interest of the owner (in particular in regard to the prevention of frauds).

Recipients of the data

The personal data treated by the Owner are not publicized, meaning they are not shared with indeterminate subjects, in no possible form, included its being made available or simple consultation.

The data can however be communicated to the employees of the Owner or to individuals authorized within their functions of operators under the Owner’s authority.  The data treatment by such operators will be contingent upon their roles and competences and in compliance both with the work tasks performed and with the instructions from the Owner.

To such purpose, the Owner has appointed specific providers of services related to the functioning of this website as providers of hosting, marketing services for websites, maintenance IT, verification of proper IVA taxing, as well as providers of services permitting the integration into the website of other functions that the User can use at his/her discretion.

To these providers of Services, appointed in quality of external supervisors of data treatment, the
Owner only gives access
to the Users’ personal data necessary to implement their designated services and it is not permitted to them to use or share the personal data of the Users for no other purpose, without previous consent of the User. Finally, personal data can be communicated to the entities legally allowed to access the information according to legal arrangements.

Transfers of data.

In no case the Owner of the treatment is allowed to transfer any personal data to other countries or international organizations. However, the Owner reserves the right to use the services in cloud; in which case, the providers of the services will be selected among those who will supply adequate guarantees, as per Italian legislation under article 46 GDPR 679/16.

Preservation of the data

The Owner retains and treats personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the specific objectives.  Afterwards any personal data will be preserved but no longer treated for the length established by the regulations in effect.

In case of data intended for promotional business purposes and newsletter services different than those already acquired by the User in question, for which he/she had already given consent, those will be retained for 24 months, except for the right of the User to revoke its previously given consent.

In the case of data provided to the owner with the purpose of profiling, these will be retained for 12 months, except the the User right to revoke its consent.

It is also necessary to add that in case a User provides data not requested or not necessary to the performance requested or to the emanation of a service strictly connected to the service itself, WinerySpawill not be considered. Owner of this data and will arrange to its cancelation as soon as possible.

Rights of the User

In relation to the data subjected to treatment, the User is presently entitled to:

  • Request the Owner access to his/her own personal data and to the information related to it (article 15 of GDPR); the revision of incorrect data or the supplementation of incomplete information (art. 16 del GDPR); the deletion of personal data that regards himself/herself upon the occurrence of one of the conditions indicated art. 17, par. 1 of the  GDPR and in respect of the exceptions listed in paragraph 3 of the same article; the limitation of the treatment of his/her personal data upon recurrence of one of the hypotheses listed on art. 18, par. 1 of GDPR;
  • Request and obtain from the Owner- in the cases where the hypotheses in which the juridical base of the data treatment is the consent and the consent itself obtained with automated tools – with the personal data in question structured to be interpreted by an automated device, even with the purpose of communicating such data  to another Owner of such treatment (c.d. re: right to transferability of personal data art. 20 of GDPR);
  • Refuse at any time to the treatment of his/her own personal data upon the development of specific situations regarding him/herself (art. 21 of the GDPR);
  • Revoke the consent at any time, limited to the hypotheses where its treatment be based on one’s consent for one or more specific purposes. The treatment based on the consent prior to its revoking holds, regardless, its lawfulness (art. 7, par. 3, of the GDPR);

The appropriate request can be presented by contacting the Owner via PEC email at the following address: or or by registered letter to following address: Laterza (TA), Strada Statale 7 Appia Km 605 Località San Filippo – c.a.p. 74014. The User who believes that the treatment of his/her data may have happened in violation of what established by the aforementioned Regulations can submit a complaint to a control authority (General Authority Guarantor for the protection of personal data) @, as per article 77 of GDPR, or appeal the appropriate court proceedings (art. 79 del GDPR).

Refusal to contribute the data

The refusal to contribute of the necessary data to register on the site will prevent that its submission will be completed successfully. Further data mentioned at point a) of the paragraph “Source of the data and types of collected data” which resulted not compulsory for the registration are supplied voluntarily; however if the party in question decided not to enter the data requested, Latentia Winery Spa may not be able to provide specific services. The data indicated on point b) are entered voluntarily by the User and if he decided not to provide the requested data the functionalities and/or the services offered throughout the site may be compromised in the usage.

Automated decision processes.

The Owner does not perform treatments that consist in automated decision-making processes on the personal data collected, if not for what concerns standard profiling operations.